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Thursday, March 4, 2010

Spread the Word!

Hey A Penny Filled Pantry Blog readers! We want to say THANK YOU to our readers and let you know that we appreciate all of the encouragement with getting our money saving blog up and running! You have no idea how much your words of thanks and encouragement mean to us! The world of web design is one crazy beast and we are slowly trying to conquer it! There have been many a frustrated night where we spent hours trying to accomplish one small thing and learn how to implement a new feature and then it turns out that we can't do it or we run into a dead end. Thanks for your patience as well because although we've come a long way in just 2 short months, we still have much to learn and we have so much more we want to be able to post for our readers every day.

We thought something exciting to do would be to let you know that to-date we have had over 1500 visits to our website!!! From our nifty little tracker(that took hours to figure out how to implement!!), we can tell that only 500 of those visits have been from unique IP addresses, or in regular words, only 500 different computers. SO, we want you to help us spread the word about A Penny Filled Pantry! We will keep you updated on the number of new visitors we get and our goal is to get 500 new visitors (remember, this means 500 new computers who have never seen our site before) by the end of March! Tell your family and friends to check us out and tell their friends to check us out =) We want to help you save money and it would be so exciting for us to know that over 1000 people had taken time to visit our new website!!

Ok, start referring those friends to www.apennyfilledpantry.blogspot.com !! Keep checking back for updates!

1 comment:

  1. I told my cashier at Harris Teeter today about your site after she said she was impressed with my OOP v/s savings totals. She was excited to learn where I got my tips. I love getting to share my love of saving money. Thank you for all of your hard work!
