Don't forget to keep searching on Swagbucks once you've signed up! You only need to earn 45 swagbucks in order to get an Amazon giftcard! We read a story in December of a woman who got her family's entire Christmas through Amazon and other giftcards she had earned through Swagbucks so it is worth it to keep searching and earning those swagbucks! This morning I searched "Harris Teeter Coupon Policy" and earned 2 Swagbucks!!
Don't know what Swagbucks is? Swagbucks is a free search engine, like Google, that you can earn points or "Swagbucks" randomly when you search and then turn your points into rewards, like giftcards, electronics, toys, etc! Swagbucks' anniversary is coming up next week and there are chances at some great rewards so if you aren't signed up and searching, sign up today!
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